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The Oberlin Review: "Spanish in the Elementary Schools Continues Community Impact"
Fall 2024
An insert written by SITES instructor Jonah Barber '25 for The Bulletin in The Oberlin Review exploring the history and the current importance of the SITES program.

Oberlin Blog Post: "¡El monstruo es azul!"
Spring 2022
A guest blog post from former SITES instructor Sydney Garvis '18 who shares their experience with the SITES Program writing, "I found two important things at Eastwood: a connection to the Oberlin community and a love of teaching."

More than just a language: Spanish comes alive with SITES
Spring 2013
"Oberlin College students are helping home-schooled children learn Spanish through the college's Spanish In The Elementary Schools program. The program was previously only offered to the school district's students but has since expanded this year to include twice a week sessions at Oberlin Public Library."
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